Academic Writing

Lecturer: Paweł POLAK, prof. UPJPII

Important note: Due to coronavirus epidemic university closure this lecture will be delivered online since March 19, 2020 at

Main aim of the course is to prepare doctoral students to publishing his/her papers. The second aim is to familiarize participants with modern scientific tools like citations managers.


1. Introduction to academic writing
2. Publishing process: a case of an article and a book
3. Models of publihing in science (e.g. Open Access) & some ethical issues
4. Data sources in philosophy – a workshop
5. Retrievieng bibliographical data and building bibliographies
6. Managing bibliographical data (Zotero)
7. Managing citations and citations styles (with short introduction to Citation Style Language)
8. Writing (good) book review
9. Writing (good) article
10. How to publish a book?
11. Scientometrics and scientific policies in academic writing
12. Workshops (11-15)

  • Attendance is mandatory.
  • Grading on a base of own's final paper prepared for publication
  • There will be no penalty for the late work.
  • Student's activity during the class as well the discussion of the paper may raise one's grade.
  • Attendance is mandatory.

Criteria for grading a text:
• formal structure,
• content development,
• logic and argumentation,
• citations and bibliography (in Zotero).


  1. Polak P., Michalczyk H.,  Stawarz M., Wprowadzenie do pracy naukowej w filozofii: podręcznik do zajęć „Metodyka pracy naukowej i obsługi komputera” na kierunku filozofia, Kraków 2012.
  2. Idem, [website]
  3. Howard S. Becker, Warsztat pisarski badacza, WN PWN, Warszawa 2013 (original version: Howard S. Becker, Writing for Social Scientists: How to start and Finish Your Thesis, Book, or Article, 1986, 2007)